Monday, July 2, 2007

pre - july 4th weekend in a barren city.

culturally rich as I hummed to Sahana Bajpai's 21st century version of Robindro Shongit (a genre of songs written by renowned bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore).
expanded on worldly knowledge as I made it through four politically thought-provoking articles from the Economist.
intellectually stimulating as I continued reading a book about my country's independence...
religiously content after praying in solitude...
academically (almost) accomplished as I made progress with a Masters project that is wayyyy overdue!
physically challenged by strenuous gym sessions with the intent of training for a bike race in 6 days!
brave saturday night rituals that included a nervous walk in the neighborhood of Harlem in the late hours of the night...
educational movie experience about the WSJ journalist Daniel Pearl, A Mighty Heart...heart-breaking but a very well-made film.

a barren city? what a misnomer!

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