Wednesday, July 11, 2007


The human mind is the epitome of instability. Or is it just me? I cannot think of a single field, ranging from medicine to painting, that I haven't thought of exploring. I mean...seriously...I cannot be the sole example of such a scatter-brain at the age of 26!

Year 2007 has blessed me with fantasies of being a psychologist, journalist/writer, businesswoman, actuary, lawyer, psychologist again, dancer, actuary again, and finally back to journalist. In order to take this latest (short-lived?) passion to the next level, I have started the process of applying to grad schools in the UK to study journalism. Thou asketh of me if this is an impulsive move? I guess I'll find out soon enough, won't I?

A friend's optimistic remark to this instability: "Sawsan, I love it that you are so full of life and want to do all these different things!". Shanthi, thank you for the encouragement. :)


Landon said...

I just turned 28 and many of the same scatterbrained career choices made it into my list as well. I have worked as a car painter, recording engineer, traveling musician, archaeologist, academic advisor, and so on and so on...never doing or discovering that one niche or career that makes me wake up and say, yes I could do this for the rest of my life.
I'm not so naive to think that there weren't people out there with as many ideas for investing my time and energy. I am however still searching for that one thing that makes me forget the rest and spend some time doing it.

Ross Eunos said...

.. well, I hv come thru that stages of life before, and surprisingly at the age of 33, I still am .. hehe ..

Sparkling Cyanide said...

Sawcie- instead of instability I'd say - versatile and multi-talented!

? said...

Thank you for sharing your inner thoughts.

You are not alone! I'm 28 and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I've gone from being a college student to a graduate student to an employee to a business owner - yet I still haven't discovered the occupation that best puts my gifts to use.

Sounds it wouldn't hurt for both of us to continue experimenting until we find our calling.