Tuesday, June 26, 2007


...was thinking today that life used to be so much simpler back in the day....carefree, fun...laughs, giggles, satisfaction, pleasure from simple things....and now, as we grow older, it's gotten harder to just be and enjoy things for what they are....because we know better....and are wiser than yesterday....supposed to be a good thing eh? I guess everything comes with a price....you give up on innocence, naiveness, untangled thoughts as you gain experience, wisdom and maturity.....but at least now I know that tomorrow I will look back upon today and in retrospect, will fondly smile at how simple life used to be. what a cycle!


Anonymous said...

Glad you're finally here :o)

Unknown said...

welcome to the blogspere:)


Bhatias said...

not cause we know "better". we know too much, not necessarily better. we think too much. too many inhibitions. carefree at youth essentially implies the not thinking. u'd climb that tree no problem if ur head wasnt constantly playing every possible itiration of what would happen should ur hand slip. too many fears. yes, through experience, but we have to learn to delearn. too much junk in our brains. why do u think yogis harp on about cleaning the mind. its as important as the body. we shower every day [well, some folks], yet never clean the brain slate... ahem... except if of course... but i digress. simplicity can be found in everything, all we need to do is recognize it. yes, im not denying there's responsibilities that come with age and yadi yada... but don't take on what the world thinks u should, choose and pick so that in the growth, life remains simple. in the gain of wisdom, the mind stays pure. while gaining maturity, shite, sure wouldn't want that to happen to me. always 12 i tell ya.

Anonymous said...

I've often thought the same, but I also wonder if it's really true that in the past when we were younger that life was really better because it was simpler. I used to think that Elementary school was some of the best years of my life, but then again you forget how small things can really get you down then. Even something like not getting the type of food that you like best or not being able to sit in your favorite seat in class. I think we still have the same problems and issues back in the day when life was simpler, but it's just easier to remember the good times. I try to think of it that when we didn't know better, the simple pleasures in life really did excite us, like eating a nice icecream on a hot day. But the same simple pleasures now, we should be able to enjoy just as much but actually appreciate it better because we're more aware of the responsibilities in life and the complications and grey areas in life and that things are not black and white. So in a way if we really think about it we should be able to really appreciate the good times more as we grow older. But ofcourse we don't often have that foresight. Not to be cheesy but I think this idea is encapsulated by one scene in Million Dollar Baby. It's when she goes home to visit her Mom and made to be rudely aware of the reality of her siblings and Mom's reaction to her success and is feeling completely depressed. On the way back, they stop at a gas station and she's sitting in the car, and looks out the window and there's a truck filling up gas and there's a small girl in the front seat who looks at her and smiles. And that brings a smile to her face. Anyway, sorry for the rambling, but thought I should share my thoughts :) -Nikky